Friday, July 27, 2018

I Want To Burn Myself

I'm having a bad way of things this week. Between dreams, lack of sleep, my medication, and work I'm overwhelmed and swimming in depression. I should be happy. I should be dancing around and excited it's Friday. Tomorrow we have plans to go to a local farmers market, get some awesome ice cream, have amazing food but all I feel is awful. Awful isn't even the right word for what has come over me. Right now, at the very moment I'm typing this, tears are rolling down my face and I have no idea why. I can't hold back, there's no stopping them. I'm not thinking any one thought that should be making me cry, but here I am. Crying. Hurting.

Which only makes me feel worse about myself—weak—pathetic. Terms I use often to yell at myself mentally because growing up crying wasn't allowed. Dani couldn't handle tears, I think they made her feel guilty. If I cried first she tried to smooth in a soft voice for all of three seconds. After that didn't work came the yelling, name calling, berating comments. She doesn't need to be here for me to feel awful about crying, I do it to myself now. Not that I want to make myself feel worse. That's not something I need any help doing, but it's a programmed response I live with. It's in the very fiber of my being and I can't turn it off.

It's at these moments, when I'm sinking under the waves and welcomed into the deep blues of shadows, that I want to reach out. I need to write about this stuff and post it, but I don't. I'm too ashamed, and like many people with depression I get a sense I'm being a bother to everyone. I'm fully expecting to post this and get eye-rolls from people saying, “Oh god, here she goes again. Can't this girl move on from this shit?”

Problem is, I can't. Moving on—living a real life—that would be ideal, but I can't. I'm not using the “I can't” as a grounds to hold myself back, I really can't. There is too much, the pain runs too deep. I called this blog Scars From Mom, but really nothing has scarred over yet. It's still all bleeding—festering in the depths of my being. Nothing has dulled, the stings are still fresh.

Currently I'm at a stand still in my life. I'm wandering around in circles and can't find my way out. People tell me how jealous they are of my life—of my abilities—how talented I am. I hate when people say that because it makes me feel even worse, like I don't appreciate what I have. I know that's not what they mean, and it's good to hear compliments I'm just not used to them. All week I haven't felt talented, skilled, lucky. . . Right at this moment I have the thought stuck in my head that I'm the biggest failure in the world. Everything I've ever tried to do I come up short, and it's simply fulfilling my mother's ideals that what I like to do will never bring me success.

Do I like drawing, yes. I used to enjoy it very much, I could lose an entire day sketching. When I pick up my pencil I'm in my own little world, beautiful, lively, and all mine. Not anymore. Now when I pick up a pencil or open a file I think of all those artist infinitely better than me. People that are able to dedicate themselves more heavily to their passion. People who have followers that pay to see their work, buy their prints, and share the crap out of their work. Artist that have fan bases who love what they do. I've been drawing and sharing my work for two decades and I don't have that. I make next to no money for my hard-work because I'm uncomfortable with my skill level, and awkward about charging clients what I should. I don't have fans willing to tip me, or pay to see exclusive content. Dani was right, I will never make any money with art.

I do other things, sure. I make jewelry that no one buys, and little crystal and wire trees. I've created coloring book pages no one really buys either. I write books that never go anywhere because I'm too scared to do proper marketing, and wasted my money on people that took advantage of my timid nature. Leaving me with nothing. I can't put together two sentences without feeling crushing defeat.

I paint, sew, garden, cook and yet I feel so damn useless. So worthless that as I was cooking breakfast this morning I wanted to lay my arm against the burning hot pan. I wanted to feel something other than this misery and physical pain was my first choice. I didn't, so don't worry but the thought is still lingering away in my head. I still want to burn myself, a quick thought of taking a serrated knife to my wrists crossed my mind. Just a thought, not an impulse to do. Yes, I'm currently having suicidal thoughts, but I'm no where near the point I would actually try. If I was I have people I will call.

Today, I'm sick of trying. . . I'm tired of keeping my head above water and looking back to see little to no progress. I'm sick of being sick—mentally—physically. I don't want to take any more pills, I don't want to put on one more fake smile. I don't want to be pleasant so people don't see how awful I am inside. My mind is in turmoil and my body heavy with distress. I don't know what to do with myself, what do you do with a useless pile of shit?

#Depression #SelfHarm #IWantToBurnMyself #Struggling #Failure #Loser

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Fingernail Ridges

Ugh, two days this week with shitty dreams. To be fair just about every night I have shitty dreams, but I'm talking about the ones that have extended effects on me and my day. Last night was another round of bullshit. Didn't help that I stayed up wayyyy too late waiting on my husband to come to bed. I can't fall asleep most nights unless he is in bed with me. A nasty side-effect of a bank robbery I was taken captive in. Not something I'm proud of, but there you have it.

When I woke up this morning I already felt tired as shit, could barely stay awake long enough to get my husband's stuff ready for work. Before he even left I was right back to sleep, couldn't keep my eyes open for nothing. You would think with the amount I sleep I would feel amazing. WRONG!

It's like I didn't sleep at all. Instead my whole body feels dry, tired, and strung out like I pulled an all nighter back in college. I've felt better coming off a major project that kept me up for 37 hours straight. This is what it's like for people like me—for those of us suffering from past trauma, depression, anxiety, PTSD, ect. We sleep more than average but we never get any rest. You should see me when I'm in the throws of restless sleep for a few days. I look like death, my brain can't function. Simple tasks are near impossible, and my moods are on a hair trigger. That doesn't even account for the body aches, like right now, at this very moment. My neck, back, shoulders all ache and my right boob is killing me! I think I slept on it wrong, or you know it hurts because I'm a female and I have boobs.

One of the things I hate most about these restless periods is I can't control the anxiety. Pushing down irrational thoughts is futile when your tired and worn out. There's no energy left to stop the irrational ramblings, so I find myself doing stupid shit when I should be working on projects. Yep, like this morning I wasted an hour thinking there is something wrong with my thumbnail because it had a ridge in it. The first half of the hour was spent wondering if I always had it and just couldn't remember, while the second half was spent worrying if it meant I had some kind of weird affliction.

Wonderful way to spend my time.

I've moved passed that now and am focusing on what the dream was that is causing me so much stress. For the life of me I can't remember. . . perfect. How can I address the source of my problem if I can't remember what it is, so that's were I am right now.

Too tired to work on anything productive. Don't want to sleep despite the fact I need it, because then I won't be able to get to sleep tonight. Stressed because something upset me, and annoyed because I don't know what it is. Not to mention freaked out because my anxiety is running wild and telling that the discomfort in my elbow isn't from working at my computer late last night, and is instead some serious medical condition. All while thinking I have breast cancer because my boob hurts.

Just a little insight into what it's like for people that suffer from mental illness. This is what we battle every damn day. Some days we rock it, and others. . . well we spend an hour obsessing over nail ridges.

#Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #ShowCompassion #EmotionalExhaustion #BeSupportive #MentalHealthWarrior

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Friendships That Kill

I've been trying since I woke up to get work done. I have illustration requests piling up and I need to get sketches out, but no matter how hard I try I can't. My mind is elsewhere, and while some aspects of illustrations I can do with a distracted mind, sketching is not one of them. To create something out of nothing, turn lines into artwork, it takes brain power. An anxious mind makes it impossible. Instead of fighting it any longer I'm going to write about it. Get this feeling out into the world, and hopefully I can save what is left of my day.

Yesterday was my therapy session, and sometimes I come away feeling amazing. I walk out of the office with a different perspective, I see life in a new way, and all is good for the next two weeks until my next visit. Other times I come out feeling so-so. Not good, not bad, if anything I have some serious food for thought, but yesterday was one of those rare days when I leave feeling blah. It could be the nasty wet weather we're having that has put me into a yucky mood. Whatever it was I wasn't feeling like a go-getter when I left yesterday. I was just *shrugs.*

It wasn't until this morning I realized why I didn't feel oh-so-good when I left. One thing that happens in therapy, and on the path to mental healing, is shit gets ugly. I mean, washed-out road, mud-slide, you just got fucked by a falling tree, ugly. Things come up you never wanted to touch on or remember, but that's what works. Turning up that messed up stuff—seeing it—feeling it, and learning to move on afterward. Very easier said than done. Trust me, I'm living it. Healing is not for the faint-hearted. It's a battle—an epic battle that no one else can see you waging. Every step is a victory, and every stumble feels like you got thrown off a cliff.

What has me worked up today? What battle am I fighting?

A dream—I feel like a broken record saying that, and I'm really starting to hate sleeping because of the stuff that pops up. Dreams are the way your head works through things, it's how it figures out the turmoil we sometimes avoid. Last night I had a dream that brought up an extremely sour subject for me. I work up around four in the morning with tears in my eyes. That's extreme for me. I hide my reactions to things well, too well in fact. When I wake from something awful I don't let any outward signs show, I hold it back. It's not till later when I realized how much the dream has effected me that I let my husband know, or allow him to see the side-effects. So waking up crying, BIG deal.

That goes to show how deep the pain runs on this subject, and now you're all probably wondering what it is. Most people know part of my past with verbal abuse, neglect, sexual assaults, but it was none of that.

What then? What was it that brought me to tears this morning?

Being forgotten—left out—off stage in the shadows while people I called friends laughed, joked, and at times mocked me while singling me out for their own amusement. People I willingly brought into my life causing me pain on a level that causes me suffering till this day. I'm tearing up now writing about it.

Growing up we moved a lot. Two years was the max I stayed in any one school till I got to the tenth grade. Friends have always been a sore subject for me, I've lost so many to distant and my mother's selfish-desires. I was so desperate to make friends in every new place that I often came off like a hyper-active chihuahua on speed. Here and there I made friends, nice kids that were okay to me. Better than my family at least. Most of them were annoyed by personality and I was picked on a lot. . . I mean ALOT! To the point I became the walking joke in every school I went to.

The knives in my back from people I called friends, well I could start my own cutlery shop. It's not wholly their fault, by the time they came into my life I was used to being a doormat. It's where I feel comfortable, with mud on my back. I didn't realize, however, how awful people could be until I reached high school. The transition for me from ninth to tenth grade was. . . tragic. I see that switch as the point I gave up—the very moment I threw my hands up and said, “I give. I can't do this anymore. . . I'm tired of fighting it.” Because no matter how hard I kicked or screamed, argued, rebelled my entire world was working against me. I resigned myself to fate.

When I started at my new high school I didn't rush to make friends, hell I didn't even care. I went from class to class doing what I had to. At lunch I sat at a table and ate a lone, or did classwork. I didn't fucking care, what was the point? I was going to lose those friends anyways, I was going to have to go to a knew school. My happiness didn't matter to Dani. There was nothing left in me to want to try, but like with every new school I did make a friend. Then I made another friend, and even more friends until I had a small group.

At first we were all nice to each other, we laughed, had a good time at lunch and in class, but like all things, that changed. I'm not sure when it changed, but it did. High school was pretty okay, it wasn't ideal by any standards, it was between 18 and 22 I had problems. What started as a solid group of friends turned ugly.

We are all going along, doing our thing—college, work, hanging out—then I'm on the outside looking in. I get off work after a long shift (most of us worked at the same restaurant) and call up my buddies to see what's happening for the night, and they are at a club. No one thought to say word one to me. No one thought to ask if I wanted to go, even though they knew I wanted to go dancing. Nothing. Of course if it had been one of them at work the group would have waited, and have waited for them to get off so we could go out. It wouldn't be ab-normal for me to be sitting at home, bored, waiting for my friends to get off work. No call when they said they were getting off, but being the person I am I wait a little. You know, because no one gets off when they say they are going to. Shifts can run long. An hour later I call one of their cell phones, they are out having a good time at a place five minutes from my house. No text message, no call to come meet them even-though we had plans. . . nothing.

I know what you're all saying to yourself s, “well they aren't your friends then.”

You have to understand, they were all I had. At home Dani was being more and more verbally abusive, at work my bosses walked all over me, and all I had was the time I spent with my friends between the two places. I was so desperate I would take any scrap of attention, and they played off it. My ex-boyfriend, especially. Him, and his boyfriend were probably the instigators of most of it, what they called 'light teasing' or a 'joke' destroyed me. You can't say whatever hurtful thing you want and add, “just kidding” to make it okay. It's not okay! I have wounds over this that hurt me more than any of the sexual assaults I have survived.

To sit there, wondering if your friends are alright because they are late or you haven't heard from them. Only to get a call full of laughs, giggles, and cheers because they are out having a good time without you, is shattering. To add more salt to a festering wound, when I would express my anger over what happened they judged me—ridiculed me—and shamed me for being upset. What?! They didn't venture of a thought my way—didn't think twice about me. How would that make you feel to know you didn't even cross their minds. . . no one is thinking of you. . . you don't matter to them. . . you just don't matter. It strikes deeper than I can describe with words. It's one of those experiences I wish on no one, ever. The wounds something like this creates. . . well you've heard of the rise of suicide among teens due to bullying. This is a form of bullying. Things like this drive people to kill themselves.

In this dream last night I was at a diner, having a lonely meal. When in walks my group of friends from high school, you know who you are. Laughing, carrying on and my brother and sister are there, because my mind can't screw with me enough. No one even looks my way as they pass by. Not a single one of them notice me, alone. . . eating. When they do finally notice me I get sneers, and no one asks me to join them. Instead they laugh at my heart-broken expression—they find joy in my pain. I have to leave the diner because I don't want them to see me cry, and I know I'm going to cry. I told myself a long time ago no one would ever see that side of me. . . tears are for the weak, but I do cry over this. It's raining outside, I lost my car keys and can't leave. Outside everything is in shades of blue, while inside there are warm reds and happy faces. Pulling up the hood of my sweater I cross my arms around myself and start to walk home. The tears fall with each step, and I try to tell myself, “I'm walking home because it will be good for me. Even though it's impossibly far and it's late at night.” Because I can't face the fact that no one is there for me. . . I have no one.

When I woke up the feeling stuck with me, the pain fresh and throbbing. I'm hurting now from the memories, and realizing how little I mattered to them. I gave them my all, let them in when I had every caution in my life not to, and yet again I became the walking joke. The bitter bitch, when I expressed my hurt at their hands. I was mocked, laughed at, and judged, by friends—by my life-lines. No wonder I wanted to die back then, what did I have to live for?

Things are different for me now. I have a few friends in my life that I can proudly call friend. They don't leave me out in the cold, and I have distanced myself from those in my past. I don't want to associate with people the bring up awful memories. It's my right not to have them in my life, but it doesn't stop the memories. Or the phantom emotions that drag me into dark waters. A word of advice to everyone, be kind. Just because you think something is a joke, or you do something in the name/spirit of humor, doesn't make it right. Your words and actions effect the people around you. Take notice, and never leave anyone out in the cold. There is enough of us out here that need to brought in.

#BeKind #Friendless #FriendEnemies #Betrayal #MeanSpirit #Alone

To the people this entry is in reference to. Screw you. I was your support and your legs when you needed it, and just because I came off strong didn't mean I didn't need support in return. You turned me down when I reached for help, and vilified me when I was suffering at your hands. I hope the world is as cruel to you as you were to me.
(What, I'm a writer not a saint.)

Friday, July 13, 2018

When A Writer Can't Write

This week I've been slowing fading away into a depressive state, this is not uncommon for me but the slow progression into depression is. Usually it's a hard fall, quick, painful. More of a plunge really, taken after I've fought to hold the monsters at bay. In the end their stamina is a lot greater than mine. However, this week has been a long drawn out battle. I've fought at every turn to keep my head above water but I had my slips. Other parts of my life have suffered so my mind could remain on the edge of control.

Like my work (freelance stuff), Monday I made a lot of headway but then that stopped. Progress slowed on Tuesday when I moved away from commissioned projects and onto my own work, I tend to neglect my own projects for other peoples. Something the brings on my depression because my work often goes unfinished, which then leads me to feel like a failure. It's made even worse by the events of the last year of my life. This time last year I was falling apart.

Life is. . . I would say funny but that's not what I mean, so lets call it a wonder. A mysterious thing with twists, turns, loop-to-loops, water slides, and unfinished tracks. For someone like me who has lived in the more depraved natural world I see only shadows the majority of the time. The world is a dark, grimy, and sullen with awful energy but even I still have hope. It's the one thing I cling to, and June of last year I rested my whole well being on hope—on the thought of a future for the first time in my life.

I started medication for my anxiety and depression, I spent most of the spring out doors, something I never do. I enjoyed things, nature, people, in small doses but still. I felt—better, stronger. Slowly my victimized self started to lessen and I felt like the warrior I wanted to be, but then came life. Another twist, a loop I wasn't strapped in for. My body got sick and for the last year I've been battling my diagnoses of a chronic illness, along with the knowledge that everything I was taught growing up had lead me to worsen my condition. I'm killing myself, slowly.

Not that I mean to be doing it, but when a lifetime of bad habits pairs with mental illness, recovered memories, and an non-existent sense of self-worth. Well, everything falls to chaos. That's where I currently am. A lost child among chaos.

Can't I get a damn break?

That's what I think right now. I moved past denial of being ill, of having this other problem piled on my mountain and am firmly in the anger zone. I'm pissed at my mom for never giving a damn or ever caring enough to get me properly checked out. I could have been getting treatment for years and have this firmly under control. Instead, when I brought her my concerns about problems that I found out are symptoms of my chronic illness, she brushed them off. So here I am, 33 and feeling like the world has it out for me. It feels like nothing is easy for me, not ever.

I hate my small moments of happiness last year because in my warped way of pairing things my mind tells me this awfulness I've been swallowed into is all because of my happy time. It's the price to be paid to keep the shitty universal balance. I know that is messed up irrational thinking, the universe is really out to fuck everyone. Not on purpose but it's simply doing it's thing. Doesn't lessen the anger—doesn't take away the feeling of being disadvantage by the vast expanses of the universe. Nope, it all feels like a shit-storm right overhead.

The thing I'm struggling the most with is my passions. If you follow the definition of a passion I guess I really can't call them that at this moment. Depression does that to you, it kills your passion. It steels everything you love, sucks the joy right out of it. In some cases you deprive yourself of the things that bring you joy because you don't see the point, other times its a sick need to punished yourself. Then there are those haunted by the judgment of others for their pursuits, those nasty voices are all that can be heard when you try to enjoy yourself. I suffer from all of the above. There is always something holding me back and the messed up part, it's all in my head. I do it to myself.

I'm such a dick to myself, and as much as I want to be pissed off at myself about holding myself back that's not where I should be putting my anger.

The one thing that makes my blood boil—the one thing I often try not to focus on because it messes with my head even—is that this was done to me. . . People—a woman I thought loved me, did this to me—trained me to be this way. Forced it into me. Took a blank slate of a child and tormented them with verbal abuse until they had no self-worth left I was willing to clean a kitchen floor with my tongue just to watch a movie. (True event, I was 6-7).

Right now I'm sitting here hating myself because there is something I've been trying to do all week—a long standing passion of mine—I haven't been able to do for months. Not since I found out I was sick last year. Yeah, I do a little here and there but I see no end in sight for my lack of progress. I can't throw myself into the task like I once did. It holds no joy or escape for me anymore, there's too much judgment roaring up from Dani and old high school friends. My mind won't let me move forward, and I desperately need to move forward.

I haven't been able to write. I'm an author who hasn't release a book in over two years, and hasn't had a solid writing session in a year. Okay, I know what you're thinking. I write here don't I? I'm writing this blog, but this is venting. It's not storytelling, this is sharing. The worlds I used to love crafting, the characters I gushed over bringing to life, the blood rushing thrill of a new plot twist I don't feel any of it anymore. I'm numb to my own creative world. It holds no joy, instead it feels tedious and impossible.

The first time I knew I wanted to be a writer I was in the ninth grade. I always had a rich fantasy life, but it came out in play with dolls and toys. I thought up ideas but only for fun, it wasn't till an autumn day, a dream, and composition book came into my life that I started to form things into real ideas. When I wasn't writing out my very first story by hand in my notebook, a special composition book I inked all black and put random stickers on, then I was thinking about it. Playing out the next scene in my head, forming a new villain, a new task for the characters. Every second I could spare I was writing in that damn book, my friends often made fun of me but I didn't care.

Half way through the book I went to my mom and told her I found out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I wanted to be a writer. I was going to work really hard in English class (a weak subject of mine) and start working on my stories and rewriting them, I wanted to do this. More than any other idea I brought to her. Imagine the heartbreak I felt when she laughed at me.

Yes, my mother laughed at me.

Not because she thought being a writer was silly or anything like that, but because it was me wanting to become a writer. Me, the girl who was still reading at a fourth grade level and couldn't spell worth a damn. The child that struggled through anything written, me. I wanted be a writer, a girl who was always in the 'special' learning classes growing up because a lack of reading/writing skills.

It shattered me when she said no publisher would ever take me seriously, and after that my writing slowed down but didn't stop. Nope, I still wrote in my book. The wind might have been knocked out of my sails, but fuck it. I wanted to write, and even if it was only for me I was going to do just that.

I wrote for years until I reached the age of 17. By then my mom had forced friendships on me, you know, because having a kid that liked to sit home and write wasn't normal. I was forced out into the world and praised when I made friends, so that's what I did. My writing fell away because those so called friends often made fun of me for it. They laughed at my ideas, teased me about my stories, and generally poked fun. My mother right along with them. Dani often mocked my creative mind, rolled her eyes at it and called me 'different' or artsy fartsy. I hate that phrase.

By 19 I was so far into the worst years of my life that my creative life halted to a stop. Writing was painful, and cruel because all I heard were people's judgment of my ideas. They wanted me to be crafty, expressive, but also to reign in my creativeness. It was a maddening time that has stuck with me. I tend to censor myself a great deal because I don't want to offend or upset anyone. My creative is on a leash, and right now it's wearing a choke collar.

Mid-twenties I started writing again, but just for me and maybe my husband. I was more into art. It's funny, I have a friend that tells me a lot authors write because they can't draw. Me, I draw because I always thought I couldn't write.

Truth is, I can write. According to my limited number of fans and small group of supporters, I do it well. I guess, because I always feel I'm at a disadvantage. Most if not all writers/authors feel their work sucks at some point, I feel it to the tenth degree. What with Dani's memory still laughing and me and my lack of grammar and spelling abilities.

In 2014 I self-published my first book, a novella to wet my feet. By 2016 I was putting out my first full length novel that actually won #1 mystery in a contest, and yet here I am. Unable to write more than two lines before I hear my mother's laughter, the demon she put inside my head telling me how much I suck. I hear her judging words from years later when I told her I was going to try and publish a book, the way she questioned me with skepticism. Her lack of belief in me, and I reflect that onto myself. I replay the pokes my friends made about my wild characters, how my brother and sister laughed at me for coming up with talking animals and my need to be successful becomes too much. I crumble under the weight of it all.

I look back over the last year of my life and see all my failed deadlines, my plans all gone because my body wanted to do it's own thing. I watch as my fan base dwindles away and think to myself, “what's the point. It's like I'll be starting all over again.” I see years of work slipping through my fingers, and I watch as authors I had the honor of debuting with pushing themselves forward toward success, while I'm just here. Back sliding into nothingness.

It makes it hard to open my files and work, I judge every word, every sentence. Which is maddening. Every writer does that at some point in their manuscript, but doing it every single time. . . It's exhausting. I look at my worlds, my vivid places and shrug. “What's the point. . . I've failed just like my mom said I would.” I have no money, literally. I can't work because I get panic attacks and start to feel even more worthless. I feel so little self-worth that I'm uncomfortable charging my freelance clients what I should for my very hard work, and I keep thinking to myself, “even if I do finish a book I can't afford an editor. I have no budget for that or marketing because I've spent it all getting to the place I was before I found out I was sick.” So what does that leave me with? Why put in the work if it's going to go nowhere? Why waste my precious energy when I have so little of it to get through the day?

I hate this—I hate it all. I want to be able to escape back into my fantasy worlds, but depression—my mother—people I used to call my friends, have taken it away from me. I have nothing left but my suffering and the little joy I feel from day to day, which dwindles when I focus on my illness and my lack of ability to make a living. I'm so tired. . . I'm depleted.

Most days—days like this—weeks like this, I just don't have it in me anymore. My past has taken almost everything I've ever loved, and I want it back but I'm too tired to fight for it. So then what. . . what am I suppose to do?

I guess when I find that answer things will start getting better. Until then, fuck knows.

#Struggling #AuthorProblems #Selfworth #WorldInChaos

Monday, July 9, 2018

Mental Illness & Double Standards

There is a lot of stigma out there when it comes to mental illness, a lot of people grow up in families that have this idea that mental illness is all in your head. I know, I know. It is all in your head, ha ha, but what I mean is that you are simply over thinking a small problem. Depression isn't real, it's an illusion. You're just sad. You don't have anxiety you worry too much. Stop thinking all the time. Like those of us with these problems can stop our brains from being the way they are. Too many people out there think mental illness is not a real thing, when you have a breakdown it's because you're weak. Hell, I grew up in one of those households.

I used to believe that I couldn't be depressed if I knew what depression was, because then I would just be faking it since I knew the symptoms. “I'm must be looking for attention” (this is something my mom told me). Yes, it sounds stupid when I say that out loud, but in my family it made total sense. I needed to toughen up, focus on the here and now, I'm not depressed. All of this is a dangerous road to take when it comes to any mental illness, ignoring the problem does nothing but make it worse.

Would you ignore a lump in your breast? How about an oozing sore in your mouth? Or you know a toe that just happens to fall off?

For everyone of them an average person would head right over to the doctor for treatment. (I say average person because I know a guy that literally let his toe rot away until the bone was showing, while knowing about it the whole time and having health insurance. Lucky bastard.)

With all this negative and avoidance type response to mental illness I feel the need to share a positive story about mental illness when it comes along. Hit the link and read about this amazing mother who helped her son when he came to her. It really hits the feels.

There is not a lot of details in the story, and the mom didn't do anything super special and over the top to help her son. Instead she listened, took in what he had to say, and went to get him help. She stood by his side, and really that is HUGE!!!!

Give her the mother of the fucking decade award! Any parent that listens to their children about their problems, believes them—validates what they are feeling, and then sets out to help them through it. Damn, parent of the year right there, because there are a lot of parents out there like my own mother who. . . who don't give a single shit about their kids. While they, themselves, suffer from mental illness and at times pass it down to their children, these people still stick their noses up at the idea of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ect. They teach their children that mental illness isn't real, depression isn't real, and for those who take meds for such things are completely nuts.

Like my cousin, Bee. She has always had her problems, and being a spoiled brat is a big one of them, but she also has a mental illness. She is clinically depressed and is bipolar, and ever since I can remember when Dani talked about Bee this is how it went.

“My poor sister dealing with a mental case for a daughter. . . Bee is nuts she just needs to get her shit together. . . There is nothing really wrong with her, she just likes attention.”

My extend family was nice to her and allowed her to come to family things, but what Bee didn't know was she was shunned. Family members whispered about her behind her back, some suggested she be locked up in a hospital, and others thought she needed her own straight-jacket. Nice family.

Knowing how my family sees mental illness and how I was raised to think anyone with head problems should be committed, it was a big deal for me to confide in my mom about what was going with me. We briefly went over depression, suicide and other mental illnesses in health class. I knew the basics and still I refused to believe I was depressed in my teens, even though I knew I was. When I hit about 15 or 16 I started doing things I didn't understand, I was rebelling. Taking things apart, crying in secret all the time, wanting to burn myself. When Dani asked, in complete annoyance at my behavior, what was wrong I broke down. I cried in hysterics and told her I didn't know, that I felt all over the place. I kept repeating I didn't know what was wrong with me, that I cried all the time, I was restless, and a lot of times I couldn't sleep. It was like something you see in a movie. The main character having a complete breakdown and getting it all off their chest, and from there things are suppose to get better.

Well, it didn't. Not for me, because this is life and not a movie. Dani hugged me, told me to clean my face up, and then went into the school to get my brother and sister from basketball practice. Or whatever they were doing.

We never talked about it again. Dani never brought it up, never offered to help me, or take me to a therapist. It simply never happened. My big moment of emotional release—of truth—and it was like it never happened. I know I have recalled this moment before on here, so why am I retelling it.

Two reasons. 1. So newcomers don't have to go back and find it, and 2. because there is more to the story.

How could there be more, right? What other bullshit could Dani have done?

Hold on to your seats because I'm about to reveal just how much of an outcast I was in my own family. When I was in the 5-6 grade Dani and CJ (my stepfather) started having real problems. To be fair they have always had problems, my earliest memory of them together is yelling, screaming, a laundry basket being put through a motel room window, and the police showing up. When I say they started having real problems, what I mean is CJ's temper reached a new violent level, and his cheating stopped being so secret. Dani did the right thing and kicked his ass out, but then she fell apart and so did my brother and sister. They were young, super young. My brother had just started kindergarten, and the fighting on visitation days effected us all.

My brother was most effected, which I believe was due to the fact he had speech problems growing up. He had his own language about the time he should have been talking, one only my sister and I understood and would often translate for everyone. Expression was not his strong point and when the split happened he started chewing on his shirt collars. He would go through two to three shirts a day because his front would be soaking wet. It got so bad his lips and chin were chapped all the time. My sister got more impossible. For a four year old she knew how to manipulate the hell out of people. She knew what buttons to push to get a rise out of anyone, and damn if she wasn't an exasperate at that, still is till this day. Clearly they had developed some mental illness as a result of their parents breaking up, not to mention the emotional abuse from their father and probably sexual at some point (hell he did it to me, I wouldn't be surprised).

Why am I telling you all this? What point am I trying to make?

Well these behaviors came off and on way into my brother and sister's teen years, and a lot it went away and then came back and got worse when CJ married his new wife. This was right around the time I had my breakdown. You know what my mom did for my brother and sister?

Anytime any of their symptoms showed up she took them straight to their therapist. Yep, she took them to therapy. Dani researched for the best child therapist in the area to help with family problems, and dealing with stress. She took them each twice a week to talk to someone. She told them it was alright and that things were going to get better, hell she even saw the same doctor sometimes herself. Me. . . I was left out in the waiting room. I never got the help I needed, Dani instead told me to grow up—man-up—we are independent women, we don't have time for crying.

I was in crisis, I reached out but I never got any help. Even after her boyfriend sexually assaulted me, Dani never offered me to talk to anyone. Okay, I take that back. She wanted me to talk to the priest at our church. An old man with shaky hands, uhhh, no thank you.

The day after the assault happened Dani turned it into something all about her. I was the one taken advantage of, and yet somehow it was all about her. She was the afflicted one because she lost her man, and it was her daughter that was attacked, the poor woman!

We arrived at my brother and sister's school/our church and everyone knew about what happened. The teachers were coming up to me apologizing, saying how sorry they were for what happened. God, I didn't want anyone to know. Getting through the police interview the night before was hard enough.

Everyone fucking knew I was sexually assaulted, do you know how embarrassing that was? How mortified and off guard I felt? It was hell all over again, I might as well have been raped right there all over again, for everyone to see.

Dani, the amazing person she is, proudly turned her nose up and said, “she's handling it perfectly. I talked to a therapist this morning about it and he said Jackie not acting like a victim is a good thing.”

Not acting like a victim? Fuck, I didn't even know what was going on 90% of the time. Which way was up or down, I just wanted it to go away. Which is NOT a healthy way to deal with it. But she never once took me to talk to anyone, I was never given the help I needed. Instead I was paraded around like a brave child Dani had raised. Yes, she instilled this strength in me. My bravery as all her. While I suffered alone and in silence she peacocked.

However, my brother and sister start acting out and right to therapy they go. The double standards in my family are. . . well, I never saw them until a few years ago. I thought this was all normal, it's traumatizing when you find out your normal is an average person's hell. I often feel emotionally handicapped.

I would like to end by saying, good for you, to this inspiring mother, and add I wish she was my mom. I might have stood some type of chance in life. I wouldn't have the scars and wounds I carry now, and maybe—just maybe—I could make it through a day without haunting memories or having a breakdown over a few dropped eggs.

Here's to us survivors that were given no support and shamed for our mental illness, spread the word and never ignore someone that opens up to you. It takes a lot for anyone to admit they are struggling.

#AwesomeMom #MentalIllnessAwareness #Depression #Anxiety #SaveALife

Monday, July 2, 2018

"Suicide doesn't take away the pain, it passes it!" Stop Saying This!

I was going to simply post on Facebook my reaction to someone's meme of, “Suicide doesn't take away the pain! It passes it to someone else!” Instead I feel it needs to be a blog post, because there is a lot to explain about this phrase.

“Suicide doesn't take away the pain! It passes it to someone else!”

We've all seen the memes, heard the phrase, and nodded in agreement about true how suicide effects more than the person taking their life. But for the love of god I HATE this statement. I hate everything it says, and all the guilt it brings down on a suicidal person. Like we don't have enough stuff to feel shitty about, lets guilt the fuck out of them to keep suffering. This is not me supporting suicide, death is a very permeate thing, and even when life sucks it's worth waiting out the storm for bluer waters.

I will admit this idea of guilting into living is what kept me alive. When I often came close to ending my life I realized that if I died—if I disappeared from the world—my family would suffer. I couldn't handle that, so I wouldn't go through with driving my car off a bridge into the river. Or walking into traffic. I had no one that said this to me, it was something I came up with all on my own. I'm sure most suicidal people have thought about the pain their family would feel, acknowledged it, and feel great remorse for what they are leaving behind, but it doesn't stop them from ending this. All it does is pile on the guilt for a bigger crash. It could also be the final stone that crushes them.

Here's why.

People that think about killing themselves are suffering, we are in emotional pain. We battle it everyday, and most days we can conquer it. However, when it feels like the world is falling apart around us, when everything is going to shit, aka a bad day for an average people, our strength dissipates. There is nothing left to hold our most intense suffering back, our mind grows tired and allows the pain in. We feel it deep, to our souls and in those moments rational thoughts vanish. Often the sense of being a burden is present, that everyone would be better off without us around. We could end their suffering of having us around by simply ending our own suffering. That brings the guilt. We feel guilty for living because we are making others suffer. I only touched the surface on the range of messed up shit and pain we feel in those moments, but you get the idea. Now on top of all that you're going to add “Suicide doesn't take the pain away, it only passes it to someone else!”

How fucking compassionate are you?

First off, the pain suicidal people feel, well it's completely different. Yes, the loss of the loved one is devastating and when you feel that loss maybe you could get a quarter of the way to the level of anguish a suicidal person consistently exists in. Some do manage to get to the level of a suicidal person and that's awful, and heartbreaking. No one should be that lost in pain to take their life, but don't be a prick by guilting someone into living, trust me. We don't need any help getting our guilt-trip on. We are packed and ready for the journey long before you come along with your memes.

Instead, why not show compassion and say something like, “I can't begin to understand your pain, but I'm willing to listen. I'll always be here.”

That's what most suicidal people want to hear, that we are not alone. We are not a burden, and that our problems are not all consuming. Show us some light at the end, give us a glimmer of a blue sky, and we will respond.

Last Sunday, I wanted to kill myself. For the first time in a long time I was thinking about ending my life. Why?

Well, I woke up feeling shitty. I had dreams about my mom and her bullshit, which put me in a sour mood. I wanted to go out to eat, be around people to take my mind off things. My husband didn't want me to go out because he didn't think I would enjoy myself in my current mood. Understandable since most of the time when I'm upset first thing in the morning I don't want to be around people. He didn't understand that me asking to go out for lunch was my way of trying to pull myself out of my mood. I wanted to feel like apart of the world that day, but he didn't get it and that was lack of communication on both our parts. Instead of explaining it to him I went down an old path destructive path, and started doing things to increase my shitty mood. I told him I didn't want to cook because the kitchen was a mess. Really it wasn't, just some dirty dishes but when my depression kicks in. Well, it might as well be a war zone. That's how different my perception of things are from non-drepessed me, to depressed me.

Just a few dishes, or fucking World War lll. Fun, right? (hint: it's not. Trust me.)

Things progressed, I got a shower still trying to shake my mood, husband started the laundry and when he came back up I told him he didn't have to start the clothes I could do that. His response of, “I got it” sounded annoyed, and that's the moment my day fell completely to shit. Right away I was pissed off at myself for being such a fucking loser. Letting a few silly dreams get to me. Then I hated myself for putting my wonderful and patient husband into a foul mood, and my thoughts went to, “if I wasn't around he wouldn't be in a shitty mood. I'm ruining his weekend!”

Which makes me feel even worse because he works during the week, and while I'm at home working on freelance designs/illustrations and my novels, I still feel like I don't actually work. Like nothing I do is as valuable as him going out to his job and making money. (Thank you mom for putting that value system in my head). This deepens the shit-storm. After that I break down, make him food because I have no right not feed him, it's my wifely duties. Yep, I fall into these old-fashion gender roles, why? Because that's what Dani taught me. I tell myself this is my purpose in life, to serve him. Do what he needs because my husband is so much better than me. I don't matter. Because without him I would be nothing. Then I start to realize that if he's pissed at me I don't have anything left in life.

There is nothing keeping me here. I don't have any family, at least none close and none that I'm close with. I don't have any place to go if I leave my house or if my husband finally wakes up and realized how much of a loser I am and kicks me out. . . and really there is no where I want to go. I mean without my husband who else is going to put up with my shit, but really sticking around is making him go through things he doesn't deserve. After all these are my problems, not his.

(I want to make it known I don't think like this all the time. Usually only when I have a rough day. If I don't catch it this is the irrational and honest path my line of thinking takes. Sorry if it's upsetting.)

And that's when the first thoughts of killing myself come to mind. Inside, my head is telling me my husband—humanity would be better off not dealing with my bullshit. I'm weak, pathetic, I'm such a loser. I'm not talented at all, and sickness follows me everywhere. Over and over these thoughts come until I'm broken. . . completely shattered and I want it to end. The pressure of the burden I bring is. . . there is no word for it. It's one of those things you simply can not put into words because unless you feel it for yourself you can never understand it.

Now James, my husband, never lets me get that far. Usually, but sometimes I'm good at hiding how far down the rabbit hole I have fallen. Even then he'll keep pushing and pushing until I tell him wants wrong—what's going on inside my head. He knows better than to leave me alone when I start spiraling, and he always pulls me back from the edge.

Guess what?

He never says stupid shit like, “suicide doesn't end the pain, it passes it on to someone else! Do you want me to suffer?”

Because he knows I don't need anymore of a guilt-trip than I'm already on.

Okay, let's switch gears here. Guilt-tripping aside I want to show you how damaging this statement is beyond the guilt can be.

Like I said I came to the realization that if I took my life my family would suffer. While it kept me dying when I was 19, it also created a hideous monster inside me. It actually made me a more willing slave to my abusers. See, Dani has used me as far back as I can remember. That's what she does, being a narcissist and boarder-line. When I had reached the peak of my emotional pain, and had no idea how to express it I wanted to end the suffering. Like when you get a deep cut, you want the pain to end. My family life sucked, I was getting called names, told how incapable I was, how stupid I was, how lazy, sad, pathetic, weak, ect. Yes, Dani said those things to me. Well, she yelled them at me. The camouflage of an insult held inside a compliment was gone, it was out right verbal abuse. All while she showered my brother and sister in compliments and praise to keep their love over their father, but that's another story.

So I was torn down at home.

My so-called-friends were no better. Well, it wasn't all of them but most of them. The main offender was my ex-boyfriend who I remained friends with after we broke up, best friends in fact. (NEVER do this.) He was dating someone else that he often flashed in front of me, allowed his boyfriend to belittle me, antagonize me, ect. Didn't help we all worked at the same place either. There was no escaping the torment. On top of that my ex wasn't a very good friend. I was there for him through his relationship problems, his drinking problems, and when I hit my own relationship problems, well. I got dropped. Hard! My ex was more interested in a MMORPG we played together than me crying my eyes out over some guy.

My other friends gave me shit. Like a lot of shit, but that's not completely their fault. They saw me as a tough chick. A bitter, honest bitch that did what needed to be done. None of them actually knew me because I never let them see. Honestly, I don't even really know who I am to be fair. I'm discovering as I go. Still, no one stopped to ask if I was alright. If I was hurting or if anything my ex did was bothering me. Instead, it was business as usual. I was taking shit from all sides, so yeah. There was no escape for me but one.

Then I reminded myself if I took my own life it would be selfish. “Suicide doesn't end the pain, it passes it to someone else!”

In that twisted line of thinking I took upon myself a rationalize—found a messed up reason for me to keep going. To battle foward. Are you ready for it. . . Are you ready to know why I didn't end my life at 19?

It was my duty to suffer.

Yes, that's right. My sole purpose on this earth was to suffer, be in agony because I could take it. I found my pain noble because I noticed when I suffered everyone else smiled and felt good. I took everything anyone had to dish. I was the defender for my family and friends, the shield they stood behind. I took on their problems and helped them through rough times, I let them abuse me if it made them feel better, and in the end I lost any little part I had of myself.

I fell so far into depression it took me a decade to crawl back out. Ten years of my life to get out of my hole, and I'm still not completely out. I stopped writing, listening to music, drawing, I didn't watch movies anymore. I stopped feeling and put myself in a neutral state. A lot of people thought I was smoking pot because I was so chill. Nope, it was self-inflected. I wouldn't allow myself to feel anything because if I did then I would have to feel it all, and I couldn't handle that. I cried at night for no reason, and often had long explosive conversations with myself. I honestly thought I was going mental, but I fought through because I needed to go on. For my family. . . for my friends. . . for the world so it could be a better place by putting all it's burdens on me. I could carry it.

Fuck, I failed at everything else. I couldn't fail at this. No. It was my only reason for living. . . it's why I was put on this earth. To suffer, live in agony and push through so I could take on the next load and the next. I fought for my family, my abusers, and the ex who trashed my spirit. Then. . . then I crashed. There is always a crash right around the corner.

It wasn't pretty, far from it. When the load overtook me. . . the pain I felt ran deeper than ever. I felt double shitty because not only did I now have all this stuff pressing down on me, but I had the added guilt of failure.

I failed at my self-destructive task. I failed my family—my friends—the world, I failed them all! I really couldn't handle all the burdens, and while it was years down the line I started to seriously think about killing myself all over again.

Suicide doesn't take the pain away! It passes it to someone else!”

That wonderful statement that people share around did the job. It guilted me into living. For awhile, and then it drove me closer to the edge than ever before.

Instead of having random, half-hearted thoughts on my commute home from college about driving my car into the river, I got serious about ending my pain. I spent days researching to make sure I truly died. I didn't want to fail at this, I had failed enough for one lifetime. I knew I could never get through the full pain of cutting my wrists, and thought pills would be the best way to go. I researched common household items, over the counter medication, I wanted my life—my suffering—the suffering of life-times—to finally be over. Most of all I wanted the world to be rid of such a failure—a plague of uselessness. Fuck who mourned me because I already failed to keep them from feeling pain.

Know why I'm still here today, even after I thoroughly plotted my suicide?

One compassionate person that said, “Yeah, your life is a mess but I'm right beside you. I'm with you, and I'll hold you until your ready to let me in. You are not alone.”

Damn if his pushing and probing don't annoy the fuck out of me sometimes, but James does it because I mean that much to him. Now, when I'm standing at the abyss I don't think about the guilt of my death or life. I don't think about how it's going to effect other people. Instead I think about myself and what I have to live for. I know that no matter how far I lean over the edge someone always has my hand.

I live for the sake of living, not out of the fear of guilt. That's the way it should be.
So the next time you want spout this bullshit to someone in crises, no matter how true it might be, please keep it to yourself. Suicidal people don't need any more fuel for their internally anguishing flames.

Instead let them know you are there. You are willing to listen, and they are NEVER a burden.

If you believe someone you know is in crisis or if you feel you are in crisis please reach out and call the Lifeline. 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Or if you're like me and don't like talking text: 741741. Reach out, don't be alone. You're worth sticking around!

#Suicide #MentalHealth #Crisis #Compassion #SaveALife #Depression #Anxiety #OnTheEdge