Confession time. I don't claim to be a
saint by any stretch of the imagination. I don't even consider myself
a great person, though many would argue that I am. While I've had a
lot of wrong done to me, and been put in situations that for most
would be a nightmare, there are things I've done—things that I
think of that make a lot of people stop and say, “What the hell is
wrong with you?”
Tonight I've had one of those thoughts
as I sit here at my desk looking at the fading scars on my left
forearm. I used to hurt myself. No, I don't cut in the way most
people think. There's no razors involved, or knives, glass. . .
Instead I run my finger nails, or a wire brush, or even a screw over
the flesh of my left forearm. I run it over and over again digging
the item deeper until the skin starts to break away. It's like a
self-induced road-rash. Very painful even when it heals. Every time
I've done this to myself it's weeks worth of healing—painful
healing. There's the itching, the tightness when the skin gets dry,
then the scabs. . . It's not pretty. A lot of people confuse the
wounds for burns. Like I had some accident in the kitchen. The
reality is a lot less pleasant.
You probably wonder why I hurt myself.
It's complicated, but the main thing that triggers my self-harming
behavior is the flood of emotion—emotions I didn't process when
messed up shit happened to me. I get just that, flooded by everything
and it's so overwhelming that I want to rage. I want to scream, and
yell, and hit things. I want to put my fist through the wall—I want
to break shit, but growing up that type of reaction would have landed
me in a bad place. Beaten and tossed in my room to cry myself to
sleep. So I turn my rage inward, blaming myself for my own
emotions—for not having control of myself. As an adult when I turn
my emotions inward I punish myself for the way I feel. I hurt myself.
I'm not happy about it, and I don't
like to hurt myself. I don't like pain but physical agony is a lot
easier to deal with than emotional agony. At least for me.
This behavior has changed in the last
year since I've been working with my therapist. I rarely feel anger
toward myself, and instead place it where it should be. On those that
hurt me, and it's coming up on a year since I last harmed myself.
Yes, last Christmas I had to wear long sleeves because I had a fresh
bleeding wound on my arm. I had to hide myself away because I was
ashamed of what I did, but even more so because I lost control and
hurt myself.
Tonight as I look at the scars that are
fading the fact struck me that in another two years those scars will
be gone. I won't have blotches from my wounds, and that saddens me. I
know, that's weird to confess even in writing. But I will miss my
scars and I want them back. It's enough to almost want to hurt myself
again—to relive the pain so the scars back.
But why? Maybe I'm just fucked in the
head, but hear me out.
I want my scars, the visible ones,
because I'm wounded. No one sees the damage beneath the surface—the
ugliness behind my smile—they don't know the battles I've faced,
and how much courage it takes for me to open my eyes every morning.
If I wore my every wound on the outside I would be covered in scars.
. . I would look like the warrior I am, and that's what I want.
For people to see my damage and know
I've survived, but more than anything, I want to see it. To be able
to look down and see my past laid out before me—all the horror of
it and know I survived the darkest of times. I don't want to forget
how strong I am when I start to doubt myself. I want my scars—They
are mine.
#BeautifullyScarred #Warrior
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